View towards the Horse Heaven Hills

From Thompson Hill. Oil on Linen Panel. 12 x 16.

This is the view towards the southwest from Thompson Hill. I stopped by there this spring to visit 360 Winery, late in the day. Really incredible views to the west.

I know the home where the winery is located as Stuart Thompson's home. He was a nice boy in High School with me back when. I was terribly shy and he sent me a carnation for Valentine's Day, delivered during math class. It was such a sweet, kind gesture that I've never forgotten. Of course, being shy I turned scarlet and I can only hope I said thank you. But that's probably wishful thinking.

Years later I held an event there in their conference room, with the Governor and Hispanic leaders in the conference room. It was well attended and truly interesting to hear the issues of concern. And fun, since when it was over we all spilled onto the lawn and continued the conversations.


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