Rattlesnake and Happy 1 Year Anniversary to My Blog!

Rattlesnake Badlands. Oil on Canvas. 22 x 36.

I was in such a mad dash last week to get paintings done to hang in Friday's show that this is the first one completed since then! Rattlesnake Mountain is an arid area of badlands, with channelled scabland carved out by massive floods. I knew that, about the channelled scabland, since my husband is a geologist (see his blog, Reading the Washington Landscape, here) but until I painted this I never really saw it. Through the layers of glaze, the painting seems to have exaggerated the carved plateaus and the former flood valley below. Which goes to show: exaggeration reveals truth.

And yay! June 6th marked the 1 year anniversary of my blog. Here's my maiden post. My first comment welcoming me to the world of art blogging was Casey Klahn! He's a pastel artist and one of the most generous artists around. You can see his incredible work on his blog here. I still remember what a thrill that was to get that first comment - it was encouraging. My second post was of a painting of a white peony and my daughter - who quickly snapped up that painting - provided a lovely comment.

At first my blog was called 100 Paintings but it took just a couple of months to pass that goal. I think it will be a couple more years before I change the title to 1,000's of paintings. But that time will come.


Casey Klahn said…
Congratulations on blogging one year, Lisa. That is a millennium in blogland, and your blog is now a wonderful mainstay that enriches your readers.

And I hope your project on tracing the Columbia River is an equal success. Your take on the visual journey of our state (including the east side) is one I enjoy. I have attempted the same with the Hoquiam River, and it has been an awesome experience.
loriann signori said…
A big congrats to you Lisa! Blogging an entire year is BIG! I notice, upon looking at your first posts, that you have made some changes in your style. They are still very much you, but they now have a more timeless, ethereal quality. Here's to the next thousand or so!
Dan McShane said…
You really captured this landscape. I see so much more when you work on a landscape.

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