Seckel Pears

Seckel Pears. Oil on Gessobord. 5 x 5". SOLD

Friday night I went out at 11 (way past bedtime!) to pick our son up from a friend's house. We stopped at Haggen's grocery store so I could buy more fruits for painting. They had the most beautiful selection of pears, apples and pomegranites, including these cute little pears.

Seckel pears sound like something out of 19th century Europe. Small, charming, chartreuse flushed with rose. The clerk commented on how pink and cute they were.

I'm currently working on six medium to large landscapes but with fall moving into winter here, nothing dries in my studio. That's why I have six wet paintings: unable to finish any of them, I just start more. In the meanwhile, I'll paint more small paintings.


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