Just One Pomegranate

Pomegranate 3. Oil on Gessobord. 5 x 7.

Another pomegranate!

It's been a little slow in my studio for a week now partly because it's cold and damp out. I've had 7 medium to large paintings, all in various stages of wet and/or sticky, hanging from every hook. Each day I paint my small daily painting (pomegranates rock!) then start another large landscape so that I have a painting to work on.

We've had crazy weather here in western Washington with heavy rain and nights of howling 60 mph winds.

Yesterday morning the basement had water in the low spots and there was water seeping into the crawl space underneath my studio. So I put the dehumidifier in the studio hallway and today all my large paintings were no longer sticky! It seems a little drying out goes a long way.


Raven said…
I don't remember the mango sellers you mentioned in the newer posting, but I do remember sitting in the back seat of that orange VW Bug eating pomegranites. They took such a long time for my little hands to pick apart and were better than having a gameboy.

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