The Road East

The Road East. ©2011 Lisa McShane. Oil on Linen. 24" x 24".

Mid-August our youngest son left for college in Wisconsin and my husband drove him there so that he could take his bike and his guitar and amps. My husband is a geologist and he maintains a fascinating blog called Reading the Washington Landscape. (Note to artists: you don't want to know how many visitors a geology blog receives relative to one of ours.) Along the way he sent me a photo of the road, the hills and a cloud.  That inspired this painting.

So this is the road heading east, to where my children live.


Casey Klahn said…
Beautiful. Heartfelt.

And, you should see my spouse's stats at Ravelry. Oy!
Rolina said…
Lovely atmospheric painting (heh, those geologists are like rock stars, lol)!
Lisa McShane said…
Thanks all.

Rolina - it seems so!

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