Kansas City has a great museum and more!

As part of my extensive tour of museums and BBQ joints in the south, I also visited Kansas City. I'm pleased to report that they have a really fine museum: the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

The museum is free to visit, has a wonderful collection of American art to study and allows you to take photographs. In fact, one of the museum guards had a nice discussion with me about how close I should be from the surface of the painting for my photographs. She approached me and said that she understood what I was doing but perhaps they'd be more comfortable if I was about 2 inches farther back. Can do, very nice.

The collection included a very good Inness, a lovely small Homer and a Sargent. There were many others but those were my top favorites.

George Inness, Old Farm - Montclair, 1893. Oil on Plywood.
This was one of Inness' last paintings as he died in 1894.
Note the wonderfully layered textures.

George Inness, Old Farm - Montclair, 1893, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

Below: Winslow Homer, Gloucester Harbor, 1873

Winslow Homer, Gloucester Harbor, 1873, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

Below: John Singer Sargent, Fisherwomen Returning, ca. 1877.
Sargent was 21 when he painted this in 1877.

John Singer Sargent, Fisherwomen Returning, ca. 1877, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

And a final note on Kansas City: don't miss Oklahoma Joe's for the best BBQ burnt ends I've ever had. And you might want to stop by Creative Coldsnow art supply store to stock up on all those things you need.


loriann signori said…
Hi Lisa, Thanks for all your juicy tidbits about places I have never visited. It's nice to see new paintings. Love the close-ups of the Inness painting! And Sargent at 21! WOW!
Lisa McShane said…
Hi Loriann - yes, age 21. Amazing.

On the closeups of the Inness paintings I'm always struck by the way he uses a very liquid and milky glaze over dark areas that have more texture. It creates a great result.

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